Looking for one address for everything mortgage-related?
Want to save time and money?
Your mortgage journey starts here.
The mortgage advisers at the bank are committed to the bank’s sales goals – not to your best interests. Not only that – banks provide service to hundreds of thousands of clients – they don’t have the time or the resources to provide in-depth, personal service to each and every client.
Mortgage brokers, or independent financial advisers, are knowledgeable about a variety of mortgage options, and a range of mortgages from different lenders. This means they can choose the right mortgage for your needs from the largest number of lenders and mortgages available.
With Kan Mortgages, you’ll benefit from in-depth, personalized advice and guidance that will help you find the best mortgage option for your needs. You’ll have complete peace of mind knowing that our experts have carefully reviewed the options, and enjoy savings of tens or even hundreds of thousands of shekels over the duration of the mortgage period.
Sun - Thurs, 8:30 - 19:30